1 Kilo Watt --> 1 TeraHash
1 Mega Watt --> 1 PetaHash
1000 MegaWatts --> 1000 PetaHash
Where is ASICMINER building the nuclear power plant they need to power their miners? The biggest nuclear power in the world generates 6200 MegaWatts, and employs 4000 people. Then ASICMINER needs, not the biggest, but an average sized nuclear plant.
They also need to start buying some land, to start building supermegadatacenters, thousands of times bigger than Google ones. But maybe they have that problem figured out already, as they said, they will outsource those minor issues to local chinese shops.
Or is it that ASICMINER will only build the waffers? (with only <10 PH per year becoming working bitcoin miners).
And they are not even talking about bleeding edge technology. They will build waffers with 40nm chips.
2013 was the 28nm ASIC miners, and this 2014, the 20nm ASICs will start mass delivery.
There is a reason for building ASICs with newer generation chips. Electricity consumption is tightly related to it.
Ask Cointerra, which promised that their new 28nm ASICs were going to be 2x more efficient than KNCs 28nm ASICs because of some magic technology they had. Once Cointerra chips became a reality (TerraMiner IV), their 28nm ASICs were exactly as efficient as KNC ones. How efficient will be ASICMINER chips? At 40nm? They will consume about 50% more electricity than 28nm ASICs, and double what 20nm ASICs (2014 miners) will consume, regardless of any storytelling they might tell now about some magic technologies that will make their ASICs more efficient (exactly as Cointerra did).
You are so off I don't know where to start. Let's just say that AM's 40 nm chips are spec'd to be more efficient than any shipping or announced chips. Next as it has been discussed on here and several other threads, AM is focusing on selling chips not on mining.