Sorry if this has been asked before, so if I have a standard PC PSU (for example from a GPU mining rig). I would be able to power these BE blades, without buying anything extra? is the "adapter" in the videos included in the package?
No problem
This has been asked a few times, so ill clear it up
standard ATX PSU is fine, get something over 400 watts to be safe - youll need to supply 80watts down to the blade (to be safe) - so make sure the PSU can provide 7amps on 12v rails (to be safe) - the 4 pin CPU plug should do the trick (yellow wires) - or preferably the PCI express.
Also, bond the neutrals together and wire into one port on the green adapter, otherwise, in my experience you'll over heat.
I would recommend buying about 4-5 8cm fans to keep this bitch cool, at 1.2volts per lane, she gets hot and needs 2 x on the heatsink, 1 x on the chips, and 1x on the power module to make me feel "ok" about it.