I'm starting this as a resource for ASICMiner Tube owners. There are currently 2-4 threads spread around the forums with various info that will be useful to have all in one place. Please post additional info here and I will try to keep the OP updated.
Note, this is entirely unofficial. I would love for someone to "officially" weigh in on these topics (Friedcat? PhaseBird?).
Anywhere you see a "
" I'd love to have some input from other users.
Getting startedNote: see the useful links section for some setup pictures and videos.
Default IP of controller =
You can change the IP from the Settings page (see below), but you'll need to configure your computer/tablet/phone to be on the 192.168.0.xxx subnet initially (or configure your router's subnet mask to include the 192.168.0.xxx range).
On first boot, you should open the controller page in a broswer at and check the "Test Status" page to make sure the right number of boards is showing up. If it is correct, go to to flash the boards to the latest firmware.
Pool CompatibilityWorks out of the box with:- ghash.io
- Slush's pool (mining.bitcoin.cz)
- Bitcoin Affiliate Network (mining.bitcoinaffiliatenetwork.com)
- mmpool.org
- BTC Guild (using stratum-lb-usa48.btcguild.com:3333 to connect)
Other pools may need to use a proxy.
Using BFGMiner as a proxy (Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi, OpenWRT)run BFGMiner with these options: -o
-u -p --stratum-port 3333 --set-device PXY:diff=850
While BFGMiner is running, point the tube to the IP address of the machine BFGMiners is running on. Username and password don't matter.
Full instructions here: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.8310763
Note: sometimes there is a problem with bfgminer where it reports an error with bufferevent and the controller will lock up and/or reset. When this happens, it seems the only solution is to power down and power back up your whole rig.
Note2: sometimes bfgminer starts kicking back tons of duplicaates causing a high reject rate. I cannot find a pattern to this.
Using ckpool as a proxy
Download, compile, and run ckpool from https://bitbucket.org/ckolivas/ckpool and run in proxy mode.
Using slush gekko proxy
Try out the code here: http://www.gekkoscience.com/misc/slush_gekko.tar
(documentation included in archive)
Test Status
For each healthy board you will see this:
Board xx: |OOO|OOO|OOO|OOO|OOO|OOO|OOO|OOO| - V:x.xx
Where "Board xx" is the unique board number and "V:x.xx" designates the firmware version of the board. If you have fewer status lines on this page than connected boards (4 boards per tube unit) then you have a bad board. If any of your boards doesnt show up as the above, but instead the "O" is replaced by a "-" or "." then you have bad chips on a board.
For each running board you will see a line like this:
Board 01: Prf:180.41GHs, ExP:207.36GHs, Uti:2520.32, Efi:087.00%, HWe:000.00%, PwrDn:00
Prf = hashrate of board
ExP = expected hashrate of board
Uti = Shares per minute
Efi = Efficiency = Prf/ExP
HWe = Hardware error rate (Currently there seems to be a bug where HWe is periodically, incorrectly reported at 100%)
PwrDn = number of chips on this board that are dead (equal to number of "." characters for that board on the Test Status page)
Below the lines explained above, there is a row of buttons. In the middle of the buttons is the current clock speed of the miners. It looks like this:
[ReSession] [Force LP] [Clock Up] Clock:270MHz [Clock Down] [Wake Up] [ReClock]
ReSession = restart current mining session
ForceLP = Force Long Poll - Force the board to accept a new job
Clock Up = increase clock speed of mining boards by 10 MHz
Clock Down = decrease clock speed of mining boards by 10 MHz
Wake Up = (I think this just refreshes the page, but I'm not sure)
ReClock = Adjust time difference between local and pool
You will also see lines below that give a sumary of performance for the entire unit, which is however many boards you have chained together. It looks like this:
Accepted:5.2545e+08, Rejected:0.0000e+00, Hardware errors:0.03%, PwrDn:0
Real performance:1202.42GHs, Expected performance:1244.16GHs, Utility:16797.47
Miner:96.65%, Network diff:2.7429e+10, Worker diff:1313.44, Real_LP:3
Running time: 0d:00h:23m:54s, Session time: 0d:00h:23m:49s, RS:0, RC:0
Sha/m:4430, Subm/m:13 Jobs/m:147, Nonce/m:253, Cmd/s:7819, Ans/s:7819
Accepted = total number of accepted shares
Rejected = total number of rejected shares
Hardware errors = (you guessed it) total % hardware errors
PwrDn = total number of chips that are dead
Real performance = total hashrate
Expected performance = total expected hashrate
Utility = total utility (not sure how calculated)
Miner = total efficiency
Network diff = total network difficulty
Worker diff = worker difficulty
Real_LP = number of real Long Poll events
Running time = uptime
Session time = total time in current session (I think time since starting hashing at current pool and connection... can anyone confirm?)
RS = number of resyncs on the data cable (errors on the data cable)
RC = number of reconnects to the pool
Sha/m = (I think shares per minute???)
Subm/m = (I think submissions per minute???)
Jobs/m = (I think jobs per minute???)
Nonce/m = (nonce per minute???)
Cmd/s = (related to communication between controller and boards)
Ans/s = (related to communication between controller and boards)
Settings is broken into 3 sections: LAN (network settings of the miner), Stratum (pool settings), and ASIC (settings for the device itself).
LAN Section
IP = IP address of miner
Mask = subnet mask of network miner is attached to
Gateway = gateway of network miner is attached to
WEB Port = port for accessing web interface
System port =
Primary/Secondary DNS = DNS servers for miner to use
Stratum Section
Pool URL = URL of mining pool to connect to (format like pool.server.com -- do not include "stratum+tcp://" or the port)
Pool port = port to connect to on the mining pool
User name = mining pool user name / worker name
Password = password for the mining pool user / worker
ASIC Section
Clock[Mhz] = starting clock speed of the boards (this can be adjusted dynamically from the Statistics page
RollNtime[ s] = How many seconds the board should change on nTime ( bigger means less communications to controller, default value should be OK)
WakeUp period[ s] =
Normal/Smart[0/1] = (all I can tell is that the firmware version on Test Status page shows difference, but no apparent impact to hash rate
Useful Links
- Setup guide (not english): http://www.iasicminer.com/index.php/action-viewnews-itemid-51
- HW assembly and SW setup guide: http://youtu.be/zEL5EKWwBx0
To-Do/Welcome Contributions
These are some things I think it would be useful to have included here but I haven't had time to put together myself. If you want to write them, I will include them. Or if they are present somewhere I can easily link to, please post a link.
- Prf and ExP of boards at different clock speeds along with power consumption at those speeds (so we can identify the most efficient clock speed to run at)
- More info on pools that work "out of the box"
- Information on anything above marked with , especially the ASIC settings (what do these things do?!)
- More complete guides for bfgminer and ckpool proxy
- Actual screenshots of all of the above
- Assembly instructions