Hi guys!
First of all I would like to say that if you are here to judge if it was or was not a good idea to buy an ASIC, this is not the right thread.
Second, I am here to write a review of my buying exprience with asicminermarket.com that, as of today (07/April/2018), is actually ongoing.
Third, I have no connection with Asicminermarket. I am a "normal" client.
I will update this post with the news day by day excluding the Sunday(s).
I have bought two Baikal X10 for the price of $2399. One for me and one for a friend of mine.
4th April 2018 - I placed the order online for the 2 Baikal X10 for the price of $2399 including free DHL shipping. After a few minutes I have received their reply which I think is a ready message:
Their reply was:
Dear friend
Your P.O. has been received. And please kindly read the information below if you have already transferred your payment in USD
(if not, please make your payment as soon as possible, and then read the information below).
Considering the current demands of the international trade and business,
and to guarantee the benefits of both sides, we need the business license of the company which transfers the payment
or the personal passport information of the person who transfers the payment to issue the commercial contract.
At the same time we need your USD transfer voucher
We’ll issue the contract as soon as we receive your information and USD transfer voucher.
and return it which will require your seal or signature in the corresponding place.
Then please send back the sealed or signed contract.
We’ll arrange the delivery for you once the contract is received.
(Attention! my SKYPE account is yangrongdai, without other suffixes)
Sincerely yours
Asicminermarket team
After a few minutes I replied again making sure that they wanted my passport copy, recepit of the bank wire and that then they woul dhave ssent some kind of contract to be signed. They confirmed.
6th April 2018 - I have sent the bank wire in the morning (afternoon in China) and forwarded them the 1) passport copy 2) bank recepit. No reply from them.
7th April 2018 - Sent again to their email:
[email protected] a request asking if they have received my email with the documents and that I am waiting for the "contract" to be signed.
7th April 2018 -
They sent me a message on skype writing that they can't accept bank wires anymore and my money will be returned to me. And the only way to pay is digital currency. I am a little bit pissed off. They sent me the bank info and I have already sent the payment. Also right in this moment, if you place an order on their website, you can still select BANK WIRE as payment option. Why they don't remove it if it's not accepted?
Well, I asked them to give me further discount because of this. We'll see how this thing will go on. You can check my skype conversation with him here: --->
http://prntscr.com/j2478g12th April 2018 Still not received the money back from the asicminermarket bank. I have contacted Yangrongday on Skype asking to speed up the thing but he didn't replied
13th April 2018 Money came back to my bank. Some fees have been taken but this is not Asicminermarket fault, but bank fees.
16th April 2018 I have sent again the money. This time by Western Union. Yangrongdai was agree to give me the original price of $2400 per each Baikal X10
17th April 2018 I am in contact with Yongongdai on Skype. So far the replies have been fast. He is now checking the status of the Western Union withdrawals. I had to send 5 different WU transactions so a bit of mess. I like the fact that the comunication is fast.
So far, other than the bank problem, the comunication have been good. Nothing to complain. I am now waiting for them to cash the money at Western Union and ship me the 2 Baikal X10
will keep you updated