Even if there is no trading engine, is there support to just "advertise" quotes for asks / bids of a certain asset (maybe with the possibility to mail the advertising party to conclude the trade)?
Someone could write a scraper for bitcoin-otc that extracts all the bids and asks onto a chart style site.
Cant agree more
I have few sell orders at
virtual ST's of ART-OTC Who even uses that page any more?
A simple Buy/Sell page is more than required to make the process less cumbersome.
1) Log in
2) Get the list of offers, select one you like and sumbit buy "order"
3) get a BTC account for payment (this has to be the sellers account - maybe issuer can generate a list of accounts that are used randomly)
4) (here it gets wacky because BTC is sooooo slow) system checks for the payment in the blockchain
5) request for share transfer is sent if payment is OK (2 conf is plenty?)
Coin is never held by assets-otc.
This can be (almost) done in OT but OT has no "connection" to blockchain and as far as I know, there is no BTC derivative at the moment to act as a "token" for BTC.