That's what they frequently cite as a reason for why atheists should swear the oath to their god, because it wouldn't matter to the atheist so why do they keep complaining about it? After all, you know, that kind of justification never leads anywhere dangerous(!)
We're so busy looking to the Islamic countries as examples of the dangers of fundamentalist theism, The West seems to have missed the fact that much of the US is as deeply entrenched in their own version of 'the acceptable insanity'.
You don't 'fix' someone else's rabid dysfunction by telling them that your version of the same dysfunction is right and theirs is wrong.
You don't tell people what to think, that's indoctrination, instead, you teach people how to think for themselves outside of the incessant fallacious argument they are conditioned to accept without (critical) thought. You teach them criticial thinking skills and objective reasoning in order for them to be able to make sense of the world around them. As I tell my children, the only way we will ever find peace as a species is to grow beyond our infantile superstitions and religions, and the only way to achieve that for people who are conditioned to maintain the intellectual dishonesty that theism requires, is to educate the crap out of them.