1. Mujahideen attacked
2. Russian Army convoy in Dagestan, Makhachkala on 29th march.
3. Many died and injured.
What a perfect example of mind control distorsion of reality, a terroristic ideology.
Paдикaльнaя идeoлoгия, пpизывaющaя к aгpeccивнoмy пpoтивocтoянию, фopмиpyющaя измeнeнныe cocтoяния coзнaния oтдeльнoгo чeлoвeкa, пoзвoляeт иx нocитeлям нe тoлькo oпpaвдывaть coвepшaeмыe пpecтyплeния, нo плaниpoвaть и, в пocлeдyющeм, ocyщecтвлять дивepcиoннo-тeppopиcтичecкиe и вoeнныe aкции, кoтopыe пoзициoниpyютcя кaк eдинcтвeннo эффeктивныe в cклaдывaющиxcя oбcтoятeльcтвax.
https://05.mvd.ru/document/6401540Radical ideology, calling for aggressive opposition that forms altered states of individual consciousness, allowing their bearers not only to justify the crimes committed, but the plan and, subsequently, to carry out sabotage and terrorist and military action, which are positioned as the only effective in the prevailing circumstances.
Site of State Police of Daghestan Republic of Russian Federation
https://05.mvd.ru/document/6401540Such ideology call to justify crimes and involve in future terroristic acts.
1. ISIS is taken resposability in killing Policemens of Daghestan Republic.
Who is in riot with a Legitimate Rappresentant of State is acting against Quran.
2. 1 Policeman killed and 2 injured. Daghestan State Police is not "Russian Army".
http://www.riadagestan.ru/news/investigation_and_courts/mvd_odin_politseyskiy_pogib_i_dvoe_postradali_posle_vzryva_na_trasse_kavkaz_/3. A usual lie of anti Quran salafits.
Anyone can seen, how much lie put out the salafi PR.
http://www.riadagestan.ru/news/investigation_and_courts/po_faktu_podryva_avtokolonny_mvd_zavedeno_ugolovnoe_delo/Killing Daghestan policemans and call them "Russian Army" - what a disgusting lie, to showing how big are the criminals, they are in grade to detonate a side road bomb to kill local policemans.