I think the problem the shareholders of NYAN.B and NYAN.C had was that NYAN.A was supposed to be resolved first, followed by B, then C, then the root NYAN asset. (If there's anything left.) I agree that the chances of there being anything left for B and C are almost Nil, but that was the issue behind that particular action.
Regarding BMF, approved or not as you say, it has assets. You could liquidate those, then buyback NYAN.A with the proceeds. If what you say is correct and NYAN held a bunch of BMF, then NYAN.A would be the beneficiary of that, and those proceeds could be distributed.
It feels to me like you're wanting to get BMF listed to sell a bunch, then use those proceeds to boost NYAN? There's nothing wrong with that as far as I can tell, but please don't be bitter at the mods if they have as hard a time figuring it all out as I do.
Also, since you've posted the assets you claim to have in the thread, I suppose there's no harm in proving that you are holding them. You can turn on the public portfolio feature (Account -> Settings, turn it on, then a new URL will appear on the main Account summary tab) and post the URL's. That potentially would address some of the mods concerns? Once verified by a community member or two, you could turn it back off.
Hope that helps.
Trying to make the mods responsible for NYAN.A not paying out definitely irks me.
It seems bound to backfire.
Look. I don't know why we're still having these issues 6-7 months down the road.
I want a fair shot to list my companies and trade them. As a show of good faith I agreed to cover NYAN.A's debt to the full 1 BTC a share personally, to give up all my personal shares in BMF/etc, and to donate an additional 100 BTC of my own personal money. None of that was ever under any sort of question.
In return, I've faced a ridiculous amount of undue criticism. News flash, I get paid for running a company like BMF. And I am willing to give back to the community if I am allowed to continue to run it. That's all.
Now, there's some news here. I have received the following moderator comment:
(23 hours ago):
A peer voted NO on your security: BMF
Their public comments: Cannot approve. Clean things up, then maybe.
Their private comments: I'll change this to a yes if you provide a link to the updated spreadsheet in the prospectus.
If you get NO votes, you may need to improve your Business Plan.
As a result of this I will post an updated spreadsheet on tsukino.ca and start building up a BMF website again.
No tricks. I will keep my promises, and I expect everyone else to as well. That goes for every single turtle on down, and I will be making my rounds.