I don't get why people think self moderation is this big cube that if you get deleted from you can't come back. Seriously. If you have such a problem with self moderation - no, your rights of speech haven't been taken - just post a NEW thread. Make a new cube. Trust me, making a new thread that isn't self-mod'd by a bot would be better, since, people hate self mod'd threads and would be quick to step onto your bandwagon about whatever.
That is not what people are saying here. I didn't see anyone talking about their rights to free speech. It is not the actions of the posters, or their limitations imposed by the OP and this bot, but of the actions of the OP that are of concern in this case.
I will summarize again.
1. People have created other threads, several of them at this point in fact, including scam accusations.
2. This main thread by this customer was initially used to post material facts about the situation these people said customers were buying into which turned out to be false. Therefore, they have used BTCT to take from people what is likely millions of dollars.
4. Their attempting to continue to control information allows them to continue to attempt to mislead future customers by attempting to silence their critics.
This is not about free speech. This is about an activity on this forum that led to people being taken for what is likely millions of dollars and continues in plain sight on this forum under the seeming guise of 'self moderation'.
And yes people have contacted the police. The police in Hong Kong and the UK have had reports filed, as have consumer groups the world over. As we saw with BFL, something like that takes time to gain traction with the authorities. In the meantime, these people are continuing with this behavior right here, right now.
I can see how the forum mods would want nothing to do with these situations. If I was running a forum I wouldn't either. I am not saying that self modded threads should be ended or curtailed en masse.
There should be, however, some means of putting sensible limitations on a situation like this, which has played out over the course of nearly a year. Instead of putting limits on them or just locking their thread and revoking their right to self moderation (Black Arrow could also simply start another thread couldn't they?) they have been allowed to expand their attempt to control information to the use of an automated bot. That's absurd no matter how you look at it.