Note an important distinction. The experiment is a hoax. This does not prove or disprove global warming, etc. That these guys thought they could put over on the public a hoax like this does show a bit of what they think of you and me.
It is also interesting that it seems to take "deniers" to actually critically examine the "experiment", attempt to replicate it and find the fraud. "Believers" seem to just take it all on faith. This is an essential proof that Deniers are Believers best friends...
One does not take science on faith.
You're right, they think very little of the average persons intelligence/ability to reason and look for facts. Unfortunately they are right about the majority of people who will blindly accept what they are told, whether through the nightly news, this youtube video (clearly global warming propaganda aimed at the 20-30 crowd who can relate to Bill Nye from watching him in their youth), or other media campaigns. They have succeeded though in being able to push an agenda/message and really put very little effort into swaying public opinion on most topics. Most people will watch this video and just take it as truth, no further investigation necessary.
Just to be clear I will repeat again: This disprove of the "proof" of the video does not prove or disprove global warming, it just shows us some things about the people involved, their attitudes.
But it clearly shows the spirit of critical investigation which is in most "Deniers" mindsets.
Again repeating. Deniers are your best friends, as far as finding the truth is involved.