Did you use escrow ?
After several messages back and forth with pictures and explanation. Given the total value of transaction, I felt comfortable enough to send a down payment with a little extra on entire auction for stirring up hornets nest. I get that emergencies come up every now and then. Shipment is on way and I will retract negative trust once received. Sometimes you just got to have a little faith in people. The pictures helped a lot to alleviate doubt.
I hope you did not, but judging from this guys eBay activity , I think you might have got frag’d on this deal
nah he wants to make a name for himself before he rugs.
Personally would not bid on any auction put up by this guy. And not that I sell, but when/if I did, his bids are not valid. He is a known shill/false bidder. If he wants to sell here, items should be shipped to MJ or other escrow to auction. But personally, he shouldn't even be allowed to bid here. I'd list the offenses he is more likely than not to do, but I don't want to give him any ideas.
he just rugged my friend last week over a $25 ebay purchase, who risks a negative feedback over 25 bucks?
edit; Also did anyone ever end up receiving this exact coin from this ebay auction?
ebay Item number: 146014505667