has BTCC considered either laser-engraving the private key on the block (might cause security concerns though), or otherwise engraving it on a small titanium disk placed behind the hologram? I can just imagine the heartache if the private key got damaged or illegible
At this point, the hologram/private-key is not fire-proof, as you have correctly pointed out.
However, they are waterproof, as the private key is printed on waterproof polyester paper.
Good idea about laser etching the private key itself. We thought of that, but currently, we don't have a feasible way of doing it while insuring the secrecy of the private key. We'll continue to think about that for the future.
thats why perhaps a smaller engraver with titanium discs. you might be able to do it solo and easily erase/destroy the machine memory at the end. but waterproof paper is a good start