Yes. Were you active in the community under another name at the time?
Now you are just fabricating things of whole cloth. Complete and utter bullshit. First, I don't believe -- and never have believed -- that negotiating with government is important to Bitcoin's success. Use your brain - nobody in a decentralized system is in any position whatsoever to negotiate on behalf of the system. Any such negotiations are null and void by definition. Second, please cite any evidence that you have supporting your assertion that "Gavin... think(s) that Bitcoin's future can be assured by negotiating with government." I'm going to guess you are going to once more completely evade this challenge. Surprise me?
It's even dangerous, because you hand over information to people, whose sole interest is to maintain and expand their superior position.
Now you've gone full-on stupid. Just what secret knowledge, with which the CIA could crush this nascent uprising, was available from Gavin alone in a freeking open source project?
Another wild ass assertion, completely devoid of any supporting evidence. In what way did Gavin's accepting these speaking invitations 'thwart the motive for Bitcoin's creation'?
He described the discussions in general terms. What do you expect? A line-by-line transcript rendered accurately word-for-word from memory?