Well,considering the reason cash was banned,i would say this doesn't still bode well for bitcoin in Australia. If they could ban cash because of crimes,catch people avoiding tax etc,then i bet they'll do more than ban bitcoin later because it offers these criminals anonymity more than cash. In my point of view, bitcoin offers way more in terms of protection than cash if you know your way,why then would they leave it when they know the risks involved?
Let us just keep our fingers crossed.
The title is misleading,and you didn't bother do read more as there is no ban on cash, is a limit on payments made via cash. And is not like Australia is the first one imposing limits , the EU is full of them. Not to mention Sweden where you can't pay with cash even if with no laws limiting it.
No they can't. Of course there is no bullet proof way of mixing coins but their claims at tracking are exaggerated.
then it is a matter of who they are trying to catch.
if it is to make tax evasion harder and make it impossible for regular users to do it then they won't ban bitcoin because average Joe is not going to use bitcoin anyways and if they do they won't use a mixer.
if they are trying to catch real big tax evaders then banning cash, bitcoin,... is just a dumb move! because those who know how to do it will continue doing it without regards to these bans. they are not using either of these to launder their money and evade taxes,....
They are not going after the average Joe with this law.
How many payments over 10 000$ are you making a month in cash?
The only single purchase I've made over 10 000 euros in the last 2 years was the car I bought at the dealership.
If they would want to go after little guys there are better solutions for this. Leave only 1 dollar bills and coins in circulation.....that is going to be funny