After the US ETF, the impact of this news is very limited to the point that it may not make a difference in the price because most of the liquidity is in the American markets.
Personally I just prefer to buy Bitcoin directly though. Maybe there is a benefit in terms of less fees?, but it's not worth it in my mind as you don't hold the key to these coins...
The only advantage of an ETF is that you deal with cryptocurrencies as an investment and therefore you do not fear losing your currencies or regulatory compliance. You may also pay less taxes, so it is an attractive option for investors and not for those who want to use Bitcoin as a payment and investment gateway.
That's true in regards to immediate effects, but I think long term what it does is to further solidifying Bitcoin's potential bottom price level as more ETFs in different places of the world means more access to Bitcoin for more people. It is a derivative product, but if the ETF provider is supposed to hold the Bitcoin in reserve to back up any claims tied to the ETF, it means less circulating Bitcoin on a global level. But as you said, it's not like Bitcoin jumps 10% because Australia launches an Bitcoin ETF product.
Regarding fees, I admit that I have never owned an ETF. I guess investors would incur a "fee per purchase" or do they also incur annual fees for management and administration?
The only advantage of an ETF is that you deal with cryptocurrencies as an investment and therefore you do not fear losing your currencies or regulatory compliance. You may also pay less taxes, so it is an attractive option for investors and not for those who want to use Bitcoin as a payment and investment gateway.
I think you mentioned the two most important aspects here. Some Bitcoin owners don't want to deal with safe Bitcoin storage and regulatory compliance might be quite an important reason. Some interesting statistics would be about the actual ETF buyers. I don't think that it's a lot of normal people, smaller investors. They are probably more inclined to buy Bitcoin on an exchange themselves. I would speculate that the majority of ETF customers are institutional investors. I could be wrong though, but I assume nobody has any significant insights yet.