For example, say you have a portfolio of 50% BTC and 50% LTC. You want the percentages to stay at those values. So, in order to keep them at those percentages, as the value of those assets change, you can periodically trade to reach those target allocations again. If BTC goes up to 60%, a rebalance would then sell BTC to bring it back down to 50%.
I read the article and the Rebalancing got me curious.
This kind of feature, the Rebalancing one is something like covered by some Bots? Like what was explained in the example(quoted one).
So if it's done by bots, how we can assure if the bot will perform it accurately? Because I'm a little bit afraid because maybe the bot will make mistake or any misconfiguration on your account settings/bot settings.
Yes of course! Rebalancing is covered by I would encourage you to check it out. You can be comfortable knowing there are tens of thousands of other traders using Shrimpy and it accurately rebalances the portfolio of these users. This service has been around for almost 2 years. Let me know if you have any questions.
Interesting. The rebalancing idea got me but there are still a few questions lingering like is the performance done by the automation accurate? Is it possible that it may not be able to rebalance? Like when BTC goes to 40%, where would it get funds to retake it to 50%? From the previous example lets say, it would take it from the LTC one? but then it would make the LTC balance go down right? So doesn't that mean that it would need my funds to maintain the balance? Does that mean that I would leave a certain amount of balance in the automation that would automatically be used whenever the coin is imbalanced? What if a market crash happens in a slow amount of time? could that possibly lead me to a loss instead? Not gonna lie it sounds an interesting idea but I'd rather have beginners study how to trade themselves before using such bots. Imo, such bots are better used by those professional traders since they could think up of many complicated situations that would require more assistance than what a bot can provide.
Generally, rebalancing is effective and accurately completes each time. The premise is pretty simple, so it's a pretty safe strategy to execute.
everyone will want a simple trade, but I don't recommend novice traders using bots, the most important for beginners is to learn the basics of trading, what's interesting to me here is the rebalancing strategy, I will try to learn it.
Shrimpy is really designed to be perfect for novice users. It's simple to select the percentages and begin automating without much overhead. I think if you dig into the details a bit you will see how simple and powerful the idea is.
Please let me know if you have any other questions! Happy to help.