this a viable product anymore? I was looking around on the forums and saw a thread in which a person claimed a 36-day ROI period.
If yes, what is the ROI period?
Product Description:
Avalon Mini is a two module power house clocking the 110nm chips at 375Mhz, 60Gh/s consuming 600 watts from the wall.
Are external power supplies needed?
Here is your answer and no BS here. The claims that a 36 day RIO is in fact possible, but it all depends and comes down to 1 difficulty every 2 weeks if IF you are mining Bitcoin, not forgetting the price of them however every 2 weeks or so Avalon units are coming down in price and well am sure you can do math and work out on alt coin within a month buying Avalon units will in fact be much more profitable than buying into these big rigs that others are using.
KNC for example 500GH and making 1BTC a day ok but for how long not long tho and buying KNC at their price now is not profitable. Reason been is that by the time you buy your KNC unit diff will of gone up by around 8 more while waiting in pre orders ans waiting weeks on end to get your unit. Nov orders for dec delivery 4 weeks 2 diff changes. Dec orders for late dec and jan 2 to 4 more diff changes and then some increments of around 40 to 60% increment each time. So when you get your unit your looking to make maybe 0.5 or 0.3 or even 0.2btc per day. I got a batch 2 Avalon and that was making 2BTC a day when I was alt coining then 1.8, 1.5, 1.2, 0.8 and currently 0.3 to 0.4 depending on what is mined when its mined Or 2 you are taking this to the ALT world and mining on them.
I wont give advise publicly but on a safe guard and realistic RIO you are talking 40 to 50 days and after that is all profit minus the expenses for energy if you pay. Myself have stopped mining BTC due to how stupid the diff is going up. If you want solid advise from someone who has been mining for the last 2 years and calculating diff and increments and where to mine what to mine and then some, feel free to pm me.
Its your own decision when buying into hardware and myself I am going to be buying a few more mini units over the next few weeks due to the cost coming down every 2 weeks time and it will be well worth it. Plus Avalon have gen 2 units coming up and I know of a few company's going to be releasing 1 to 3TH units but then even them in time will be worthless it all comes down to batches and how long it takes to get them. My friend last night placed an order for the mini unit on Thursday this week just gone and hes already got his tracking number. Least with Avalon your getting units on buy now and shipped out in a week or less and no wasting on pre orders.
Hardware in a way s good to grab coins and continue mining them until they become worthless and can then just trade. Trading is where the money is at if you want to earn and live of earnings. Mining and hardware in my view is a hobby and a way to access coins and generate them with the possibility of some really fast ROIs and bigger profits if you get it at the right time.