Can you take some photos?
Just to clear a few things up, you have each Avalon running off of 1 PSU. You have all 6 PCIE connections made properly with the Avalon and your PSU.
What colour lights are you getting on the Avalon units? on the AUC3 Converter.
It sounds like you have been able to access the controller, have you input your pool settings so that the Miners will get work? Are you saving all changes once they have been made?
Are all set up cables connected properly, From the controller USB to micro USB connecting to the AUC3 converter. 5 pin cable from AUC3 converter to the Miner on the left side.
Try one miner at a time while trouble shooting.
What is the size of the breaker for this dedicated circuit because at 110 (125 based on your readings) you will be pulling 9.2 amps when the miner is running so you would need 2 separate 15 Amp circuits to support 2 Avalon 741's
This thread also has a lot of 741 users who help with trouble shooting