@ qctechno_isback
my machines are in Clifton NJ about a 90 minute car ride. And I won't be going up there for a week or so.
Also this is an alt coin question,so I would suggest pm'ing a few guys to see if they will test for you.
There really should be no difference in PSU efficiency. If anything, the PSU case looks physically larger which *could* imply it will run a bit cooler since should have better airflow and that often gives a tad bit more efficiency. Heavy gauge cables vs bus bars should be moot.
well it is quieter on the lower speed setting then the bitmain s17 is on the lower speed setting.
I would say it is a decent home miner due to that.
my quietist new gear is the m21s on low speed but 29th is way lower then the high speed setting's 56th
the a1041 is 31th on lower setting vs 37th on higher setting.
So if you are a home miner a few a1041's on low speed should work sound wise due to the fatter gospower psu
and dropping to the low speed you don't lose a lot of the 37 drops to 31.