Avalon Overclocking deserves its very own thread.
The purpose of this thread is for the community to share their tips and results on overclocking their Avalon's so we can maximize hashing output.
Please Post in this format:
Batch#: 3
PowerSupply:850w Seasonic Gold Modular
Extra CoolingSetup: $20 Box Fan added; 75F Ambient
[Firmware Version] => 20130723
Chip Frequency(Default: Advance): 350(insane); 354 is actual read out
More Options(Default: --quiet):--avalon-auto
HashRate: ~83GH/s is average; Max is 87GH/s but it eventually drops.
Additional Info(whatever I may have missed):
Uptime: 5 days
Thanks Guys, I believe we can push our units further! Probably above 90Gh/s stable.
**Update 8/15/2013-
Please Post in this format:
Batch#: 3
PowerSupply: 850w Seasonic Gold Modular
Extra CoolingSetup: $20 Box Fan added; 75F Ambient A/C Room Temp
[Firmware Version] => 20130723
Chip Frequency(Default: Advance): 350(insane); 354 is actual read out.
More Options(Default: --quiet):--avalon-auto
HashRate: ~110.5GH/s is average; Max is 112.5GH/s
Additional Info(whatever I may have missed):
Uptime: 3 days (I reapply CGMINER settings each day as the miner does sometimes drop its GH/s to less than half its potential after about 24 hours. I do this to keep production of BTC constant and maximize potential.)
***NEW UPDATE 8/19/2013 My 850Watt Seasonic GOLD PS failed. I was running 4 modules at 358mhz. 111.5 GH/S for 2 weeks straight. I unhooked a 3rd module and put a 750watt bronze on it. The AC in my place went out today and I live in AZ...so that could be why or it could be because I should be running 1000+ watts. Going forward I am going to buy 2 x 1300w Gold Rosewill PS from newegg.