There is nothing wrong with my address unless the mistake is on your end. If it's been shipped you have tracking numbers. Where is my tracking number and why was shipment sent out so late?? Your mistakes are losing me a lot of money.
What a ridiculous post. I am a customer. I purchased a product quickly and I paid quickly. I provided the correct address to my home in Canada. I made the purchase quickly in the hopes that I could mine more bitcoins sooner than my competitors. Mining is extremely competitive and those that are first with a new technology are the biggest winners. Based on my order (152) I should have received my order a long time ago. BitSyncom obviously has too much on his plate. That's not my problem. I am an early customer and I want the product I purchased to do what it's supposed to do for me and that's
MINE BITCOINS. If there is a problem, I should be informed that there is a problem in a timely fashion. Nothing was relayed to me. No response was ever given to me regarding any of my questions for the last month. As a customer I was told that tracking numbers would be provided. I don't have one. The Avalon Team should do what they say they are going to do. If you don't like that i'm pissed off and complaining on these forums. Blame BitSyncom for not responding to my various questions until I had the balls enough to call him out publicly in this forum. I know other customers in the same boat are too afraid to express their anger in these forums for fear of angering BitSyncom / Yifu. Somebody had to speak up and I did. If BitSyncom is going to punish me by holding back my box for telling the truth then so be it. I don't believe that he will btw. If you don't like what I have to say in a public forum regarding the facts, you can GTFO. You are obviously a boot licker hoping that your praise of the Avalon Team will help you out. No stupid jpg required.
Yeah sure ok whatever. I speak with honest words as many others are praising Avalon and BitSyncom for even providing this tech. Have you even called EMS or DHL to find if theirs updates on your order???
Seems you don't have a scene of humor good or bad and far from ridiculous lot of fasts in it that you
obviously can not see.
Just because I say Thank You does not mean am ass or boot licking, it is showing gratitude where it is deserved and seems you do not have any of it.
Yes you might be pissed off, even I would be waiting around, but waiting around less then 2 months, I have been waiting since batch #1 because I missed out on it. Am sure they are others who are waiting but if you cared to even look at some of BitSyncom posts relating to problems then you might understand. And hes already posted a response to your questions:
the photo is old.
Also we are in the same situation as you, waiting on information from the shipper, if they tell us what's wrong with it, then we can fix it. You can complain publicly as much as you want, but nothing is going to change until new information is provided to us.
Think BitSyncom has made it clear enough their on what the problem is. So does he really need to respond to your support tickers when he has already explained the problem their. I have tickets from months ago unanswered and some lately answered and a lot of my questions solved in news letters.
If you don't like what I have to say in a public forum regarding the facts, you can GTFO.
Free speech my friend. It does not bother me one bitmil....