for months you been saying transactions are mostly 226bytes which would equate to the 7tps(false assumption but you really loved bragging that 226 magic number alot). atleast now your admitting its more like 400-500 to be at about 3tps, finally some honesty without over selling.
however a 2mb as of 2015 would have headed off the bottlenecks(a few have occurred this year) and kept prices low due to lack of bottlenecks forcing prices up.. while offering 2x capacity potential
but instead we were left with code release delays, which have caused a tx bottleneck many times this year. and what is the future.. a max of 1.8x capacity potential and also, even funnier.. a fee discount to make spamming even cheaper.... now thats just funny..
oh nearly forgot
if you think nefarious spammers will use LN. you would be wrong. their intent it to spam the network not their local machines
and if you think that every genuine user will use LN to not need to worry about spam. you would be wrong in that respect too.
LN isnt useful to everyone, you would be surprised at how little the scenario's for usefulness LN have..(when thinking about real people as oppose to glossy leaflets of exaggeration)
wait. i can already sense you rebuttle. eg not needing to worry about settling because channels dont need to close that often.
well my reply would be to quote your anger that visa takes 1-3 days to fully settle.. because its the same thing. but with LN you think it should be 1month-never.. yep im laughing at that hypocrisy..
now although LN increases "authorizations"/"payments" to large numbers IF people are individually sending funds to the same destination multiples times. but the settling would make it worse then visa.(using your mindset)
REMEMBER: LN helps aggregate "regular spenders" to a lower number. its not really a solution for increased userbase of non regular spenders.
think outside the glossy leaflets you have been handed and look at the some real use case scenarios.