Another failure. If I throw a coin with an OC that has a limitation of millivolts, and this miner crashes, the OC of stopping with the neutral OC does not apply. And therefore the limitation of millivolts of the previous currency remains again. When wanting to start mining again, as you go to another currency that needs more tension, the miner stays in offline miner in the AM interface
I think the most appropriate measure is to apply a neutral OC without limitation in millivolts before mining and before applying the OC that I have chosen. Then it will not matter if it has crashed.
Thanks for sharing your findings.
Today Awesome Miner can have a "Stop" profile for the clocking and it's possible to add a "Reset" command here manually if you go to the Options dialog, GPU Clocking Profiles section, add/edit a profile where you can add "Reset". This is supported on both AMD and nVidia and will send a overclocking reset command to the GPU drivers. This will restore all clocking/voltage/fan settings for a GPU to default values.
When a miner is either manually stopped or has crashed, Awesome Miner will run the specified "Stop" clocking profile.
Although it's possible to have a setup like this - it's a bit time consuming to setup. What I think is the way forward is to have a global setting like "Reset GPU clocking when miner has stopped". If enabled, Awesome Miner could reset the GPU clocking completely via a reset command to the GPU drivers. In your case it would also reset the voltage setting to default. Please let me know if you think a feature like this would make sense to have globally. Thanks!
It seems good to me as you put it, a base OC or null that you specify it somewhere. And it will always be safer to run before mining, because it may end up crashing and not running, so having it reset before undermining and applying the user's OC is perfect. Make a normal stop or crash, when going to mine, along with the Start command the zero OC or reset and then the OC the user. The truth is that all this has driven me crazy.
Now for example if it crashes, it is very easy then not start well I have to be aware, and when the miner launches and before I fail, I give STOP to apply the OC output correcting the OC and millivolts.
I already have hardly any failures or problems. It has been hard for me to identify the problem. I do not have any fall of any miner, it could be considered normal But what happened to me until now was not normal, now I understand it and only those of us who handle so many options are exposed to have and discover failures.