latest version with a minor and a major problem
1. Awesomeminer shows me wrong GPU if i dont use all GPU´s
for example my 8 card Vega Rig:
TRM 0.5.0(also on 0.5.1)
-d 0 -> it show a not active card but i see shares in "Progress" tab 0,1,2,3 -> 2 cards are maped correctly but two cards in the list are not active if i use awesomeminer the rig dont find shares after some minutes - some minutes later the whole rig is not reachable anymore
the same thing with SRBMiner
i DDU drivers and reinstall - underclock every card and put mv to 950 (instead of 860-880mv the last weeks/month works perfectly) ----
only solution i found out today...not using awesome miner - means -> i start TRM with normal batch on the Rig and dont have any problems
is there any way to disable something (or start debug log) in awesomeminer to verify that it could be a problem with the agent or api or whatever?
I use TRM and AM.
1. use TRM with --bus_reorder and then map the GPU in AM in the ascending order of the PCI BUS ID.
This worked for me, cause Default TRM uses Opencl order, --bus_reorder uses BusID order and AM uses the driver order by default.
2. Right click the miner and select view details -> process information. Verfiy that the command line param are correct.
Right click the miner in AM and select diagnostics -> u should be able to see what went wrong. I can personally confirm that TRM and SRB works fine on my remote 6x Vega Rig for months.