B3 team is doing quite a difficult and brilliant job taking this coin into its new future. Otherwise, this coin would plummet to death because of hyperinflation. Instead, it gained over $85mil market cap. It was a huge success, which was not easy. Also implementing a whole new concept of masternode was not like typing a few words to criticise. If they would not take those steps and implement new upgrades, impatient people would start screaming seeing the price plummeting. It seems like a double edged sword, no matter how good or bad you run a project, some people would never be happy. It is time to become mature and to appreciate the B3 team for the hard work and for saving B3 coin from hyperinflation inflicted death.
Greatly appreciating B3 team for their fabulous efforts to take this coin into the next level.
which again when you do a coin that has 10,000% stake you should have been prepared for and NOT THE FAULT of investors who got in because of the false advertising basically
they are being criticized on how they handled it all...
one thing at a time, "fix" the wallet #1 issue first.... Then move on to the FMN after the ADVERTISED and still ADVERTISED 10,000% staking period is over.
take 1 minute and delete that crap off your the site, for real
You can NOT defend the $hitty timing on this and mess of it all...
i just saw in discord again ppl saying crap oh relax its free money.... ppl invested in B3 with the idea of getting back 10,000 stake they are NOT asking for ANYTHING more than what they invested in. and ppl need to realize and quit acting like the ppl wanting what they invested in that these ppl are horrible... would this fly in the "real" world?
and the excuses of it is high risk it is crypto does not work here, they made it high risk by doing this at this time