Jeeze, I'll bet you're fun at parties.
F5 and scroll to the right.
I'm waiting for my pool too and the FN count is now 122.
You'll get what's coming to you. (eventually, one way or another)
Lighten up, Francis.
I'm probably not the one you want to take to a party right now. I have $10,000 being robbed right now and a pool that is actively withdrawing some peoples coins, but leaving other people stuck to get massively screwed during this Fundamental node trash.
I scrolled over to the right like you said and it is unbelievable that certain people got their coins withdrawn for nodes, but the rest of us are frozen.
Some guy at the very top of the list had a 300,000,000 coin withdraw processed...
This is unfucking real.
Over a week to process a withdraw while we get drained on 60%.