Sedikit cerita gan,akun bitcointalk saya pernah kena banned permanen dengan peringatan mengirim pesan spam ke pengguna bitcointalk lain.
Artinya saat ini sampean juga sedang melanggar rules, tidak di perbolehkan melakukan posting dengan akun lain selain di meta selama masa BAN atau Ban Evasion saya tidak pernah mengirim pesan tersebut.
dan hal tersebut sudah pasti bahwa akun saya terkena hack.
Kalau merasa tidak melakukan kesalahan silahkan buat
ban appeal teruk kirim ke email yang tertera, jika tidak ada tanggapan silahkan buat thread di Meta
menurut agan" disini bagaimana cara melindungi akun bitcointalk supaya benar" terlindungi dari para hacker,sementara keamanan login di bitcointalk saya rasa sangat kurang. tidak seperti di forum sebelah yang menyediakan 2FA kode setiap login ke akun.
Cara paling aman ya jangan masuk asal sembarang website yang berpotensi ada phising dan selalu update anti virusnya.
Laen ladang laen belalang om, jangan suka membandingkan bitcointalk dengan forum laen, 2FA sudah banyak yang membahas tapi tetep aja belom ada kelanjutan
Untuk recovery akun sekarang lebih cepat ndak seperti dulu lamaaa, jika akun sampean di hack tinggal ikuti langkah di bawah ini your account was hacked
[email protected], ideally from the account's email address. Include your username and a brief description of the details of how/when the account was hacked. A signature will likely be required (see below).
Often, you need to prove ownership of the account with a PGP or Bitcoin signature. This has two steps:
1. You need to show that the PGP key or Bitcoin address is associated with the account, for example by referencing an unedited post in which you posted the address.
2. You need to sign an appropriate message with that key/address.
For example, this is an example of an appropriate proof of ownership:
My account
has been hacked/lost. Please reset the email to . The current date is .
-----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----Here is the unedited post where I posted that address: ...
Note the following elements:
- The message contains the username, the desired new email, and the current date.
- You specify the address.
- You include a signature.
- You link to the association between the address used for signing and the account.