as you know Baikal has imposed a limit of 1 cube per person for this first batch.
I should imagine they will be bringing out newer models soon of their giants (and you can always stack cubes to make quad cubes)
as you know we have had extreme success with the last 3 group buys. Well done to all of you who participated, I hope you ROI ASAP.
the main aim of these groupbuys is to get cheaper gear for the community, it was such a shame when products were unavailable.
this first batch of cubes there will not be a group buy, however I am in negotiation with baikal and we have a good chance of a group buy discount when the next batch is released.
right now this thread is to show baikal how serious we are, please post if you are interested
(also for those interested in $30 dollars off a pandaminer go here:
@Bittawm, So do you have a list for our reservations or should we make a separate thread for making a list? Thanks for your help with the group buys.