OK, thanks for the explanation about controlling fans.
Now, before I jump into centralized config control I would like to clarify a few things about the following example code from the wiki before I do a linux noob move:
# central config management
do_manage_config: 0
# this command is executed every 60 seconds, if it changes contents of /etc/bamt/ mining is restarted
config_update_cmd: /usr/bin/rsync -aL rsync://* /etc/bamt/
1. First, this code would run from which machines, miners or central control machine?
2. The IP address is that of the central control machine?
3. "config" is the file the settings are pulled from?
4. "miner012" refers to the GPU cards on the miner runing the code?
Sorry for my lack of linux savvy.
Don't worry about the specific syntax of that example command in the default config. It is there to speed things up for people who understand what it's doing
You will probably want to just delete that.
You will need to create a command that pulls the file(s) you want to sync from somewhere and puts them into /etc/bamt. There are many ways to do that. The right way for you will depend on your own network. Copying/syncing files around on a linux box is a very common thing to do, and you will have no trouble finding examples of ways this can be done using google.
When do_manage_config is set to 1 on a BAMT machine, then every 60 seconds that machine will:
1. snapshot /etc/bamt
2. run the command in config_update_cmd
3. compare /etc/bamt to the snapshot taken earlier.
4. if anything in /etc/bamt is different, restart mining
So it's really very simple and basic. Any command that gets the files from "somewhere" onto the local machine will do.
BAMT is just the framework here, not the mechanism.
Possibilities are pulling your config from a web server, using rsync, using scp, mounting a network drive and just copying files, or probably 1000s of other techniques. One guy is using a dropbox account and wget to pull the files for instance. You also need to consider whether you want to sync both the bamt.conf and the pools file, or just one or the other, and if you want all rigs to share a common config/pools, or all have their own, or something in between.
It's really all up to you.