Oh come on drop all pretense already. Everyone is posting on this forum for their financial interests only. Users, mods, admins, the whole package. It doesn't matter if you have more green than the Brazil national flag. This forum is one gigantic artificial advertisement and nothing more.
I dare to disagree. These siganture campaigns in the forum should be treated as a reward system for actively participating and contributing something valuable to the forum itself. It is not solely for financial interests but rather an exchange of ideas and thoughts, a way to learn more and effectively especially to those who have experienced it first hand.
But it's not a reward system for contributing anything of value. If it was there would be no problem with campaigns as they would encourage only quality discussion. The only thing that they currently reward are third-world shitposters who make literally dozens or sometimes hundreds of accounts to take advantage of crapcoin campaigns that will happily accept and pay anyone regardless of content. Your entire posting history could be copy and pastes of others posts or one line sentences of absolutely nothing of substance and they'll get paid for it campaign after campaign.
To OP, you can choose to ignore, report, or blacklist them. Signature Campaign managers are implementing strict rules and choosy in picking participants because they knew about this. Maybe some are not that strict enough particularly in the ICOs which have hundreds of participants to look at it one by one.
Nobody has time to spend all day ignoring the literally hundreds of shitposters. The forum is largely unusable for any worthwhile discussion because the vast majority of the content is by semi-illiterates churning out one sentence of barely intelligible crap on one account after the other purely as a way to earn a living. Many of them will have little to interest or knowledge of bitcoin at all but only care about it for the money they can bleed out of signature campaigns. And the ico campaigns almost exclusively do little to nothing about the quality of posts on their campaign and several of these campaigns pop up every month accepting as many users as they can get which is often in the hundreds. One farmer alone was caught with over two hundred accounts on one campaign and that will just be the tip of the iceberg.
You have a massive point there. Mostly, people treat it as a way to earn some money by abusing it thru spam, making a lot of account for the purpose of acquiring more Bitcoins which really takes away the real essence and purpose of this forum. And there comes members who ruins the discussion by their messed up grammars which is barely comprehensible.
We can't neglect the fact that there are people who still do quality post and some who come up some ways to counter these people whose purpose is to bleed out money but it seems like it is very hard to do so since the number is growing day by day. I also read that thread regarding Bitcoin Office having insanely 200 accounts.
The point is to seek out those people to never treat it that way and as a member to do their duty to have healthy discussions and report those who are doing bad things to the forum and put those people in their rightful places. But we need to put strict rules regarding ICOs which has a considerable amount of crap posters.
So does we need to ban this campaign which is the most simple and effective solution rather than counter and counter and considering the rising number of these cases? I am now considering it as well since my brain hurts thinking of solutions to counter those. I too myself struggled to find sensible posts nowadays. But I believe we can still regulate it though it would be hard.
To OP, it doesn't mean to do it all your time blocking those people but rather you can do it if you encounter one then do it if you encounter one again. It really is a hassle but an effective way to make those people disappear whenever you browse the forum. I don't mean to take his all time to block them all.