Prejudice prejudice prejudice!
Look friend,
Islam is not like other religions. It has own laws and rules. It includes every section of human life from craddle to grave. The first condition is education. Because you can't hold anybody without teaching. And you have to provide convenient good life conditions to people for preventing crime.
A real muslim knows that his every action is watched and if even he could hide that in world, he will eventualy pay it.
What you describe is a life in fear. You are good because you fear the wrath of god or better the damages coming from middle age punishment rules. What good is it to life a better life out of fear?
And education... I'm not sure what you speak about. The real radicals are closing schools for women. And what would be teached? I'm sure it's not different from radical christians in the US. That god created world and NO, of course there is no evolution and such unholy stories.
You can't understand islam by comparison with others.
You talk about women in islam;
Woman is the most important and venerable person in islam. Woman is mother at first. Woman is like a precious jevel and should been protected from bad eyes and purposes.
I know that women are seen that way. Still you can do anything with them. How does it end often enough when a girl is raped? Who is guilty? There is no equality.
And if you really would have experience with woman then you would know that they would not want to be heightened like a princess when it means they have to hide and are incarcerated. They want to be equals. If other men are like carnivores who will hunt every woman that is not hidden then these men are at fault. The solution is not to punish the women with having to hide.
Besides that... isn't it allowed to beat your wife as a husband? And what about honour? Killing your own daugther to reestablish your honour? That might be anachronistic but it happens. And you want the sharia, where people are stoned and hands are cut off. I really don't get you. Don't you see that in fact you demand violence in your life? You will get everything.
Therefore islam orders scarf. But if one woman doesn't care this order, she doesn't go out of islam. Just acts against an order and its her own responsibility.
Who kills own daughter? Islam has no order like that. It has no connection with islam.
I'm not sure who exactly kills the own daugther, but it happens regularly in countries muslim immigrated to. It only can be worse in the countries they are coming from since for sure the bigger radicals will not move to a country full of sin, right?
Shortly, you may see islam from dark age but they are also seeing your life style same. Naked women with freedom like animals. No jealousness like pigs. Woman goes hand to hand, bed to bed like a free prostitute. Is that freedom? Maybe! But that is man's freedom. Not woman's. In modern societies woman is sexual object in general. Now i told about woman in islam. If you wanna know something, please ask without prejudice. I try telling with pleasure.
Naked women with freedom like animals... I you only could read that sentence out of a mind that has no religious rules in mind. You would wave your head over it.
And what is that? "But that is man's freedom. Not woman's." You really think men have to rule or what? You still live in very patriarchalic thought worlds. Everyone should be free. And there is no rule besides those coming from religions that say that woman have to be ruled by man.