The pathetic thing is you come up with this without a shred of evidence. Just prejudice.
Obviously BU has been bought by banks. See how easy it is? Anyone can say anything, but without evidence the claim is garbage.
Lack of Logic is your problem.
BTU keeps control of the coin with the miners, where it was anyway by satoshi's original design.
Which is why they are patiently waiting for consensus.
BTC core is threatening to replace the PoW algo, threatening with UASF, constantly claiming BTC can't increase blocksize or blockspeed.
LTC has a 4X faster block speed. Moving BTC blockspeed to 5 minutes would be a minor change, which would double transaction capacity.
ie: BTC core is LYING!If you are unable to use Logic to piece the facts together , you will be easy prey to Liars like G.Maxwell.
Statements of fact should be based on observation, not on unsupported authority. by Bertrand Russell
Litecoin and other Altcoins can be observed running at faster BlockSpeeds with no issues.
BTC Core claims that BTC is unable to move to the faster blockspeeds.
Litecoin & Altcoins moving at these faster blockspeeds, all derived from BTC code originally.
Therefore it becomes apparent BTC Core is Lying!
If that is not now clear to you , you're not that bright.