

full member
Activity: 361
Merit: 100
I don't know what's called, but it is very simple:
I won! Doesn't matter if i get bounty or not, what matter is i contributed to this coin with logo. I found it, and it's mine.
I see it is already used on twitter and i still didn't recieve nothing.
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1199
Nice image, same as this on Google Plus

Nothing much to explain, it is palette !

btw, can i get the bounty please, ? i am waiting 2 days, Thanks

Perhaps @tonidin you wont get your bounty. Why you did such a thing? You know what's called?
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1030
Yes I am a pirate, 300 years too late!
full member
Activity: 361
Merit: 100
Nothing much to explain, it is palette !

btw, can i get the bounty please, ? i am waiting 2 days, Thanks
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501
Is the logo contest over?

Yes, it is over, and i won man! Great!
Downloading wallet, by the way, do i need to download BANKSYCOIN wallet ?

ArtsyCoin Design Challenge Winner!

The new ArtsyCoin logo is:

Designed by tonidin

We would like to thank all of our contributors to this contest. This was a very difficult decision to make and although there were many great entries, in the end there could be only one.
Also, would the two runner-up entry creators (logocreator and Shadow_Runner) please PM me. As a reward for your efforts we have a prize for you too Smiley
And now that we have a logo, things can really move forward Cheesy

congrats dude, would you explain it please
full member
Activity: 361
Merit: 100
Is the logo contest over?

Yes, it is over, and i won man! Great!
Downloading wallet, by the way, do i need to download BANKSYCOIN wallet ?

ArtsyCoin Design Challenge Winner!

The new ArtsyCoin logo is:

Designed by tonidin

We would like to thank all of our contributors to this contest. This was a very difficult decision to make and although there were many great entries, in the end there could be only one.
Also, would the two runner-up entry creators (logocreator and Shadow_Runner) please PM me. As a reward for your efforts we have a prize for you too Smiley
And now that we have a logo, things can really move forward Cheesy
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Is the logo contest over?
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501
Dear Artsycoin:

Just a quick note to let you know that I'm working vigorously on PICISI and always promoting.  At PICISI here are our primary sponsorship opportunities:

1)  Host CC Sponsor -  One of the best ways to get your coin into the hands of someone is to simply give it to them, however the best way to get your coin used by the general public is to get your coin into their hands and have them use it in a real life application.  When an organizer starts a campaign at PICISI s/he has a choice of what CC currency type to select, the first choice is “sponsor currency” this is the organizer indicating a willingness to have his campaign sponsored at the host CC level.  Once the sponsor is finally selected that currency will be the currency that all other CCs donated to that campaign will be converted to for the duration of that particular campaign.  

This is major because everyone that visits that campaign will see your currency, but the will not only see but will likely use the funds to do business with one of the contractors at the site during the campaign.   If they don't use it during the campaign, over that month of close interaction with your currency they are very likely to want to learn more about your coin so that by the end of the campaign they will make the deliberate decision to download a wallet, open an exchange account, or simply convert out of the currency.   Regardless of what they actually choose to do your CC has certainly been branded into their mind in a very positive way.

2)  Campaign Sponsor - this is the most common type of sponsorship outside of PICISI;  the sponsor’s logo is affixed to the body of campaign text in an area set aside for campaign sponsors.  The higher your donation the higher your logo is located in the sponsorship logo area.

3)  Donor Perk Sponsor -  a sponsor provided perk escrowed by PICISI on behalf of a specific campaign where it will be used.   If the perk is not requested by any qualified donor it will be converted to host CC and donated to the campaign

4)  Advertising Perk Sponsor -  a sponsor provided perk escrowed by PICISI on behalf of a specific campaign to be used as a perk or returned to the sponsor.  If the perk is not requested by any qualified campaign donor the perk is sent back to the sponsor -- the perk is NOT donated to the campaign.


5)  Campaign Video Sponsor -  the first 5 second of the campaign organizer's video is allocated for the Campaign Video Sponsor, this is where the sponsor will indicate: “This video is brought to you by … [say sponsor's name, show sponsor's logo, and say sponsor's catchphrase]”

PICISI is sponsored by:

Artsycoin is part of the PICISI community now, please continue to share our message as we share your message.  I'll let you know when we have a firm launch date.
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
The ArtsyCoin Artist Marketplace

You can visit the following URL to try the marketplace:

The marketplace has not been publicly linked from the website yet so this is a pre-release to the community.

We welcome feedback and testing before we launch as we prepare for our promotional campaign. The plan is pretty much as mentioned previously. We will be making announcements and advertising across various social channels and other places where artists gather. We will be spreading the word about ArtsyCoin as well as the marketplace.

This will be a very exciting beginning to bringing artists together with people who appreciate art where they can exchange using ArtsyCoin Smiley

More news on the widget and other exciting developments are coming up.

full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
nobody trading on coins-e and allcrypt was quiet for weeks.

i hope that you will manage to establish a market for artsy.

good luck

Needs an advertising campaign get some art moving .... have a twitter / facebook/ google +   push to the market place where art can be purchased ... also at same time a push for artists to come sell on our marketplace ...  having unique art that can only be purchased with Artsy is the key, creates a need for Artsy and an inherent supply and demand to itself.

We are completely in agreement about all of these things and they are in progress Smiley

We will be announcing the winners of the logo contest soon in addition to rolling out new software and services.

These things will help us move toward taking ArtsyCoin where it needs to go.

hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 501
nobody trading on coins-e and allcrypt was quiet for weeks.

i hope that you will manage to establish a market for artsy.

good luck

Needs an advertising campaign get some art moving .... have a twitter / facebook/ google +   push to the market place where art can be purchased ... also at same time a push for artists to come sell on our marketplace ...  having unique art that can only be purchased with Artsy is the key, creates a need for Artsy and an inherent supply and demand to itself.
Activity: 2128
Merit: 1109
Graphic Design & Translation - BTC accepted here!
nobody trading on coins-e and allcrypt was quiet for weeks.

i hope that you will manage to establish a market for artsy.

good luck
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
An idle thread usually means busy devs and this is certainly no exception Wink

We have some updates for everyone who is eagerly anticipating news as we go forward.

We heard the news about AllCrypt. Although Banksycoin is now only listed at one exchange, we will be making an important announcement about this shortly. We only have good news coming up for this including opportunities for speculators.

Of the rich-list top 10 we are in charge of the following:


Cold wallet staking is something that would be very helpful and we are looking into incorporating this feature into an upcoming release.

Our peer node is running smoothly. We will be rolling out more nodes after the rebranding.

Logo Conest
The logo contest is running very nicely. We have increased the rewards and there are many entries. Of course the results will be tied into the rebranding as well as many other activities in the coming weeks and months ahead.

Artist Marketplace
The artist marketplace has been set up and is ready for testing and feedback. This is a place where you can post ads to buy and sell art and art related services. Feedback is encouraged as we continue to add features. This is essentially a classified ads site for artists but we will be adding more features that are specific to ArtsyCoin and cryptocurrency as we move forward.

ArtsyCoin Widget
The ArtsyCoin Widget is a donation widget based on the open source code from We have added ArtsyCoin to the list of coins originally supported by this project in the ArtsyCoin fork. We will make this available at the website so anyone can start a campaign and share it easily.

Merchant Services
Now that we have a fully functioning peer node we will be expediting the development of a block explorer to be used for merchant services. The block explorer will have an API to make early adoption of that functionality easier for ambitious developers.

We will be starting a new thread dedicated to the new ArtsyCoin when the rebranding is complete.

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Bitcoin is getting bigcoin
hope to see a new Artsy thread soon
Activity: 1204
Merit: 1000
to your stations, man the pineapples!!!
thanks for the info regarding coin supply.
can we get some more precise info ? as in which addresses are those 60million stored in.


also more urgently.

they suggest it will not be permanent. and no coins will be lost as balances will be restored upon re-opening.
however, if you want yr coinz handy then withdrawl is a good option
Activity: 2128
Merit: 1109
Graphic Design & Translation - BTC accepted here!
maybe consider contacting and have a chat about your project on air Wink
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
Question for artsycoin dev- Just wondering when the artsycoin wallet will be renamed and ready to download? Also do you have any plans regarding exchange listing? As it would be good to get artsycoin listed on a good exchange again then I can start trading and recommending people to invest  Wink

Glad you got it working.

On the subject of upgrades, here is the latest:

We have our AWS peer running and accepting connections. This has helped stabilize the network. We will be rolling out more of these over time. This is also a significant step towards our dedicated block explorer.

We are aiming for early next week to have this available but will keep everyone posted on progress. This will be the renamed and rebranded version.

Progress on this has been up and down but at least steady. We are just doing some final configuration and then we will be ready to open testing to the community.

This will be available soon for artists who have their own websites and would like an easy way to use ArtsyCoin for tipping, donations... busking Wink

More news is on the way!

Activity: 11
Merit: 0
Hey again,

Question for artsycoin dev- Just wondering when the artsycoin wallet will be renamed and ready to download? Also do you have any plans regarding exchange listing? As it would be good to get artsycoin listed on a good exchange again then I can start trading and recommending people to invest  Wink
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
You can download a recent peers.dat file from here:

You will need to copy this file to the application support folder on your computer. For windows it is typically:


There is likely a peers.dat file already in that folder, you will need to replace it with the one you download from the site.

Make sure the wallet is not running when you do this. After you have replaced the peers.dat file then launch the wallet and it should connect and start to sync.

This worked thanks! Smiley
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
You can download a recent peers.dat file from here:

You will need to copy this file to the application support folder on your computer. For windows it is typically:


There is likely a peers.dat file already in that folder, you will need to replace it with the one you download from the site.

Make sure the wallet is not running when you do this. After you have replaced the peers.dat file then launch the wallet and it should connect and start to sync.

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