Stuff like this is notable. The UK crypto scene is stunted because of the lack of banking. This was a big step towards it catching up.
The US crypto scene is dependent on a very small number of banks. If one of them throws in the towel in a similar manner you can bet your tight buns it would be major news. Whether we like it or not conventional banking is a major factor.
I have to agree with this. If there was more movement regulation wise within the UK banking field towards crypto wider implementation then it would narrow the gap between conventional banking and crypto.
Right now any move whether deemed positive or negative between exchanges and UK banks will make the news and that is a good thing because it keeps the current disparity for all to see.
Don't you think we need more positive news rather than negative news about Bitcoins and cryptos in general? Rarely do I remember news outlets saying good things about crypto or Bitcoin.
It's like they have a vendetta against this sector. Even in places where Barclays is not relevant, they are going to talk about this in a negative way. These same people never set foot inside a Barclay bank in their entire life.