don't tell us is that the BTA depends on luck and what will it have any future ? sad to hear that BTA remains in question and the need at this stage is to support the network without strategic objectives
speaking about the so-called speculative pumps, which, Yes, for weak projects was crucial and of course in such conditions it was like a holiday and of course it was death and speculation, but these projects were aimed at it and talk about some specially rigged solutions... I don't think, though... here, of course, speaking about the viability of the coin, we talk about all the instruments that can be applied to each phase
First learn how to write/read proper English.
Second, what's truly "sad" is seeing you come here and attempt to pump a coin you're obviously dumping! Clearly your motivation for increasing buying demand at this point is so you can recover the BTC collected from your minions used to pump the price initially! Have fun explaining to your loyal members why none of the community wants to buy your "worthless" coins until they're almost worthless! No more quick profits from your scheme will be possible. If you really want to make us angry, PHC can follow your group around the internet and alert all the unsuspecting investors you steal money from daily....
Third, realize that you tried to pump and dump the wrong coin! It's no secret about what solutions your group provides, you promote that openly! A "weak coin" does not need a temporary boost in price to give the illusion of real world value. It needs a community of dedicated developers, investors, merchants and customers who see the project as a long-term solution for real world problems. So many coins have suffered from your groups efforts to gain a quick profit especially when your minions start accusing honest developers of doing YOUR dirty work!
Forth, Speculation clubs continues to plague even the most dominant money markets today. In 1998, GATA exposed the fact that Gold and Silver prices have been artificially suppressed by central bankers in efforts to boost the Dollar and Euro along with Nasdaq and other Wall Street securities. Now in 2017 nothing has changed.
The derivatives markets prior to 2007 was over-leveraged due to speculation. It ended up crashing when people figured out that mostly everything they've been holding was over-valued and their investments had no real-world value whatsoever. Here's a good explanation from the movie The Big Short
Government issued fiat currencies are no longer backed by Gold or Silver bullion, their value depends 100% on their speculative worth based on global demand. Countries involved with the Central Banking System do not need to show that their economies are productive or profitable on a global market, their worth is created by those that believe the currency is valuable. At anytime, countries can flood their markets with newly created dollars (inflation) in efforts to manipulate share prices and create an illusion that the economy is doing well, even though it can be almost insolvent.
Gold and Silver have real world value as industrial materials as well as a speculative store of wealth. They've been considered very valuable for thousands of years due to their low supply and high energy requirements for extraction/production. They've also became useful for production of electronics and in medicine, due to this fact alone demand has increased exponentially. This intrinsic value is only a fraction of the real world price, the rest is speculation.
Crypto-currencies aim to control the rate of inflation and curb corruption, and yet are still vulnerable to speculative investing. They have no industrial use as a raw material, they have a pre-defined finite supply, and require an increasing amount of energy to produce. Similar to gold: Their real world value is also based upon the cost of energy to produce them, along with speculative demand even if they have no industrial use in their "raw" form. Crypto-coins are becoming more favorable for exchange and bartering simply because their high liquidity and ease of use. "BARTER = exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money." World-wide governments are reluctant to call Bitcoin and other crypto-coins "money" because they're very similar to Gold and Silver which are considered commodities.
Shares offered by public companies through major money markets are also vulnerable to speculative boom and bust cycles. What was once considered a profit sharing opportunity for the public to be involved with new projects; can now be considered a liability if a speculative club simply uses it as a quick way to profit and thus abandoning a long-term profitable project. This affects every share holder regardless of the real world performance at that fund or company. Unsuspecting investors with bad timing can suffer huge losses completely out of the control of the company offering the securities because of malicious investors. Profit Hunters Club is working on a Peer to Peer Profit Sharing platform that protects both the offering company and honest investors from speculative investment clubs, using BATA and other crypto-currencies we strive to change how Wall Street and other major markets operate, and plan on working closely with regulative agencies world-wide.
Speculative investment clubs are creating the very foundation that will eventually boost the BTA price in the future, although they might not realize at this time because first, they must face the karma they've created.