The information about new developments and directions for BTA in the last days so far have been mildly confusing to say the least. I have currently no more idea what bartering, entangled coins, DAO, drug discovery and PQC will have to do with the future BTA and where that ship is sailing to currently.
The last days I tried hard to do my own research on EntangleIT, Richard Hein, PQC and some of the marketing buzzwords that appeared here. I am not the wiser. Even so my lousy english and my limited intellectual resources as simple plumber joe may be keeping me from seeing that big picture, I suspect many other long term fans of BTA feel the same level of confusion.
I am just trying to make sure, you see where my seemingly stupid questions are coming from.
Please allow me some questions so I can get hopefully a better understanding what this current hype is (rather was) about and if I want to further stay onboard this ship:
- What has quantum computing to do with all this?
- You quoted Richard Hein saying "BTA is now Entangled with Bitcoin - Believe it or Not", you left it standing alone as if it was speaking for itself. Can you explain what this entanglement means in practice (please consider explaining it like to little children so that I really get it)
- Can you or Richard Hein explain what advancements the Blockchain brought or will bring to drug discovery? I just struggle to make that link.
- Can we get some more details about what "auditing and healing" blockchains means in practice or simply how the linking/entangling with Bitcoin or nthcoin will benefit BTA technically or economically?
- What is that splitting into 12 coins about? (Again, please consider the childish and intellectually challenged among us when explaining)
Thanks in advance for your time and no matter if I end up getting a clue or not, I wish you success.
These are all good questions, thanks for asking them!
And let me just add that, throughout my history of following BTA on this thread, the dev (pc888) has been consistently communicative, to a level that gave me the confidence to buy more than a year ago and hold until that crazy pump (still holding some, though). So any cries of scam seem unwarranted, at least based on the fact that he has been and continues to be here on this forum consistently.
Thanks for the questions.
I will explain as best I can without saying what I have been asked to keep to myself.
1/ The quantum computer part allows for all the automation etc - EntangleIT ( researched from 2000 ). Richard runs EntangleIT.
2/ You will need to address that question to Richard.
3/ The advancements will be a blockchains enabled by quantum computing for various duties.
4/ BTA is to be used for the very reason it was created - for a Barter Dollar.
5/ NthCoin questions are for Richard - (I don't want to put words in his mouth)
6/ No coins are to be Split every coin - 12 coins will be part of the ecosystem ( Bata was one selected already by EntangleIT)
So FUD no more, research the details.
As I stated earlier I am bound by what I can and cannot say.
Pls i still dont get the explanation about split coins.
What that means?