In addition members will earn BTA for goods and services they sell and this value is recorded electronically in the member's account. Members use their Bata Account or wallet to spend their BTA on
goods and/or services from any other Bata member.
I believe the community would like to know more about what you are proposing.
Please feel to ask any more questions.
We will do this in an open transparent discussion via public forum.
I would like to know what do you plan to do next?
You plan to move to proof of stake have you decided on an inflation rate if at all?
When do you plan to implement it?
Have you implemented a members area?
Is anyone trading BTA for goods instead of other cryptos such as bitcoin?
Are you the only one working on BTA?
The plan next is to switch to POS once we have figured out the exchange platform.
The proof of stake inflation rate was voted on and the rates were 5% and 10% - we were planning to do 10%, then 8% and maintaining 5% once the period ends.
I was planning to introduce POS once we have a platform.
Currently we BTA is only traded with Cryptocurrencies across exhanges.
Yes, currently - in the past I have had help or seeked help from developers I know and trust.
Personal issues have hindered more development on BTA - I won't go into it here as everyone has issues as various points in their lives, but I am slowly getting through these issues and may require some help in the immediate term, in order to get BTA moving along.
Nothing is in cement, POS rates etc. I have an open mind when it comes to suggestions and discussion.