i laugh when people say "what group can i join to do X"
its like asking what cabin can i trap myself in and circle jerk the same thoughts to others who think the same. whereby the outside world hears nothing.
but to answer the OP's question. he can suck eggs with core devs if he really wants to circle jerk the narrow mindset.
P.S if you really idolise decentralisation avoid joining core, avoid grouping yourself together in a small part of the internet, avoid trying to control the narrative with propaganda campaigns and instead spend your time actually learning what things are
looks like I touched a nerve... get your emotions in check and form a rational basis for discussion please. thanks.
I'm not idolising decentralisation. I simply recognise that it is possibly the most valuable characteristic to cryptocurrencies. To my mind, it is valuable because it prevents an individual or small group (cartel) from controlling it for their own means. Even if starting out with a hypothetical benevolent and trustworthy noble 'president', who has allot of control over what happens to the coin, as well as the mining, BCH will always be at risk, as that 'president' could be compromised, corrupted, or usurped. If that happens, and in time it always does inevitably given time (see fiat currencies!), then the currency looses its trustworthiness and value.
Decentralised mining is even more important than decentralised leadership. Without decentralisation of mining, there's not actually any point to having a blockchain. You might as well just print a finite number of coins which are then run from a centralised server, like Ripple, which does fairly well for such purposes.
For these reasons, I would prefer Bitcoin Gold ideally, though its dev team seems to be too inexperienced at the moment. I actually consider BTC ASIC mining to be too centralised.
while I'm not into BCH and I sold all my share at the beginning , I still don't know why some people try to call it scam
where is the scam with it ?? it wasn't premine and if you were btc holder you already got your share so people didn't even pay for it in the past ??
I started to feel like some people are regretting that they sold their share early and now they are shocked with the price , cause you can call BCH whatever you want but not scam at all !!
It's scammy because they are trying so hard to convince newcomers to buy into it as either the original Bitcoin, or the inevitable replacement of BTC, whereas in truth, it's a forked copy of bitcoin, with an entirely different team. Bitcoin Gold, on the other hand, are not trying to claim the 'Bitcoin' brand as it were, nor, unlike BCH, are they actively trying to attack BTC and confuse people as the BCH camp have obviously been doing. That's the difference between a friendly fork and a hostile fork. The guys running BCH are deliberately trying to mislead people. Had it not been for such underhanded tactics I might not be so against it! (I also hate r/Bitcoin as it's way to tightly moderated)