I'm also assuming that the bigger the hash rate of the battlecoin network gets, the more desirable it becomes to mining manipulators rite? So the battles become bigger and more profitable for battlecoin miners?
I'm getting a little exited here, i will post on the offical thread from now on. I'm sure these questions and answers will be beneficial to other people.
In theory This could happen if a coin is on our list or it is added as an infant or it has low network support. . Developers of coins could in theory if they are scared that their coin will break , lock up or fork with the massive hashpower that BCX could deliver then they too could Buy battlecoin and pay the miners to redirect the pool somewhere else making it more expensive to just produce a coin and get paid..This is why we will have Paid Private war rooms as well as free public war rooms so people can talk strategy. This is the nature of what we are creating.We are entering a new era. One where anyone with a few bucks or a little know-how can clone a coin and go on a marketing campaign. It is about time we have a balance . something that can sift through the garbage. Make it maybe a little scarier to spend that money on marketing and developing of a coin scam that might just get destroyed on launch day. Maybe we see rival teams or alliances take place. It will be like a judgement day for alt coins. We see a need for our service and we understand it could be considered controversial and some people might not like it.
People might not like what we are doing but we feel this is part of the evolution of altcoins if they will have a future..
Interesting, very interesting.
And yes this will definitely piss people off lol. But yeh survival of the fittest.
So im guessing these methods can only be used on sha-256 coins rite?