- Bitcoin gets accepted everywhere, every government legalizes it, all mining is centralized, everyone must register every address with the local IRS, you're not allowed to send money outside legal addresses and miners are refusing those, every single transfer is taxed, the government can decide at any point to seize your coins and can do that with ease. BUT the value will go up 1000x times to 30 big ones!
- Bitcoin is not legal tender, but the genie makes it so that the government has no way and no intention of making any move against it, nobody is banning you from owning, nobody is taxing you, nobody cares about your KYC, AML, taxes, profit, any legal action against anything that involves Bitcoin is impossible and illegal, any seizure impossible as it would break the law, you're as free as one can be. But the price stays forever at $30,000.
No middle way, no trick, no further questions, no this or that, your choice and tell me why this and not that!
That intro, bro...
Anyways, I think the very idea of Bitcoin and Satoshi's vision was to be free of any limitations. Both options you offered have limits, very serious limits I should say. Total government control is unacceptable for Bitcoin it kind of defeats the whole idea of Bitcoin, but so is the price limit, because Bitcoin was designed to be deflationary and only be worth more So, what I'd do in this case? Most probably I'd quit Bitcoin, cash out etc. Bitcoin won't be so fun and exciting for me anymore...