I made an account because I would like some opinions on Bitcoin and if I sould invest in it or in other cryptocurrencies.
I can invest enough money (up to 5k) in equipment or cloud mining. Mind that my country has pretty high electricity cost thus buying
my own machines is not going to be any proffitable. Should I try cloud mining and if so, which company do you sugget?
Or maybe I just shouldn't invest in Bitcoin at all?
I'd really appreciate your feedback,
I see it was told numerous times before me, but I will repeat it again just so you don't make a mistake.
Don't do either of the two. Bitcoin mining is unprofitable for the small people and your gear will become obsolete very quickly. Mining companies are in majority total scams and do not trust them.
For 5k, buy yourself 20 BTCs and a Trezor. Stick your 20 coins in the Trezor so they are well secured and be happy. If this thing ever go where we all think can go, you will be rich one day out of this move.
Good luck!