Edit: Updated data as of 28/08/2020.I've update the OP (after many months of not doing so), keeping a log of the changes:
I thought it would be interesting to share some information related to how sMerit is distributed in the Beginners & Help board. It’s something I’ve done for other boards, and most of my findings I’ve either posted them on Meta or on my local board. Since Beginners & Help is a cornerstone in building this community, it seems fit to contextualize a relevant feature such as sMerit to this board.
a) Merit Distribution per month:https://public.tableau.com/shared/95SF4FTDW?:display_count=y&:origin=viz_share_linkThe above shows the number of sMerits distributed here per month. 2019 followed a clear upward trend, and 2020 started-off with an ATH, never matched again.
b) TX distribution since 2020:https://public.tableau.com/shared/6PN93P4MH?:display_count=y&:origin=viz_share_linkDelimiting data now to just 2020, the image above shows us that 75,56% of sMerit awarding in the Beginners & Help board is done in transactions of 1 sMerit, and an additional 16,53% in transactions involving 2 sMerits.
In addition, 58,38% of the posts that do get merited are so by a single awarding transaction (1 person). An additional 18,27% of merited posts in the Beginners & Help are merited by 2 transactions (normally 2 people), and 6,91% of merited posts are merited by 3 transactions (normally 3 people).
c) Top Merit Senders, Receivers and threads 2020:https://public.tableau.com/shared/GRBDD386H?:display_count=y&:origin=viz_share_linkThe above image, also delimited to 2020, shows a few interesting facts:
- Meriter User Ranking show which forum members have awarded most sMerits on this board lately.
- Merited User Ranking show which forum members have received most sMerits on this board recently (note that quite a few of the names correspond to mid to high level ranks which participate actively on the board).
d) Top Merited Posts & threads 2020:https://public.tableau.com/shared/766GDXWY4?:display_count=y&:origin=viz_share_link- Top Merited Thread Ranking shows the threads that have received most sMerit (aggregate of sMerit on all component posts, but delimited to 2020 sMerits). It shows the number of sMerits received by the posts in the thread (Merit column), the number of distinct people that have sent sMerit to that thread (nFromUsers column) and the number of distinct people that have received sMerit in the thread (nToUsers column).
All in all, the above should be helpful in understanding a bit more how the Merit System applies on the Beginners & Help board.
Information source: Merit Dashboard