Speak for yourself. Plenty of people understand that bitcoin represents an experiment in a perfect-information non-manipulable money supply, in contrast to the world's 40yr experiment with infinitely manipulable fiat money. Many people *accept* the reality and utility of fiat currency in their daily lives while also recognizing the reality of long-term inflation in fiat, and the very unstable debt-dynamics it can create.
Buzzwords everywhere.
"Non-manipulable money supply", what a joke. Do you think the supply of BTC cannot be manipulated? How naive you are?
And there are myriad other reasons people come to bitcoin, including:
1) Fascinating technology
2) Easier, more frictionless, way to transact
3) Far more secure way to move value around the internet
4) Mining as a hobby for the sheer fascination of it all
5) Bitcoin2 ("programmable money") ideas
1. ...and very complex to understand completely.
2. ..., but very illiquid.
3. ... with a high risk to have a loss or be victim of a fraudulent scheme.
4. ..., which includes to waste electricity and heating only for the sake to produce some random SHA-256 numbers (much excitement, bro!)
People can latch on to any of the above, and more, as the primary reason they're interested in bitcoin. And yes, many people who initially found value in bitcoin due to one of the above ideas realized the investment potential and took (or are taking) advantage of that. That's only natural, and a healthy part of the process.
OK, agreed. But my point still stands, most of the above is only seen as advantage to speculate.