The article lists 7 points as the benefits of gambling:
1. Gambling Stimulates Local Economies
2. Gambling Is a Form of Entertainment
3. Gambling Can Take Place in a Safe Environment
4. You Could Win
5. Gambling Contributes to Government Budgets
6. Gambling Creates New Forms of Revenue
7. Gambling is a Form of Game Play
The article is actually a tight slap on the popular belief that "gambling is harmful to the society". So I encourage everyone on this forum to read the article and understand it, especially the non-gamblers! Gambling is not a fools-heaven, it's just another business and an opportunity to the gamblers! Hope this article would clear your mind!
Article Link:
There is goodness in gambling of course especially on the side of the business tycoon and between government but if you are just a small gambler then probably you will be the to suffer the consequences of gambling. People should understand that gambling is a game of emotion which can lead you to a negative way until you broke.
Probably yes or probably no! If you are a responsible gambler and don't go insane with your bankroll, then you will not face any consequences and probably you will be able to earn some money out of it as well. However, if you gamble with your last penny, then you've pretty much made the choice for yourself! Not every gambler suffers a consequence of gambling till the time they know where to stop.