Bernie Sanders plan is to tax wallstreet, not end the fed.
Andrew Yang`s plan is to give everyone $1000 free of fed money, not end the fed. here is his 1 hour of h3h3 here is his 2 hour on JRE
Sad both candidates given an hour on a real main stream outlet, and both fail to mention anything about the fed.
Don`t fall for these puppets, The entire world depends on this decision coming up.
I am serious, promote Ron Paul, He actually believes in bitcoin and Liberty. He will end the fed and show us them aliens.
I am not expert but I think the best thing is for us to just vote on issues, rather than voting people to vote for us, now we have a say on the laws we must abide by and where our tax money goes.
Now we all have jobs! 8.8 billion jobs created. know how to incorporate all of this into bitcoin, it will take a few tweaks to the code but not much. I know how to make bitcointime, replace fiat and be tradable into bitcoin.