get in before it's only PoS + PoT
NEVER heard of this in btt before. Another shitcoin?
Don't think so. Shitcoin devs rarely add an entirely new proof system to their coins. It remains to be seen if PoT really adds any value, but I don't think FLT is a shitcoin.
Sorry to bump this sort of old reply but 'd like to add it is PoW also.
I think proof of transaction is more likely to lift Flutter into the spotlight than any other trait it has (such as being a PoW/PoS hybrid).
It's such a broad and fundamental concept that it is hard to tell where the strongest application center of gravity will be, but I suspect it will soon find its place as the third leg of the blockchain security/incentivisation triangle: mining by PoW, saving and investing by PoS, but nothing so far covers spending (err, transacting) - a gap that PoT fills.
I would like to see the idea fleshed out a little more though - perhaps a sliding scale on the wallet that goes between very high-payout 'chance' PoT rewards at one extreme and very low payout 'guaranteed' rewards on the other. As a a FLT user you could choose your desired PoT reward/risk comfort zone. Either way the Proof of Transaction triggers not just a reward but is itself a third form of blockchain securing protocol as well, making it much more than a lotto game bolted on to the side of a coin (which I believe has been done before). I am not a dev so I connot comment on whether this is technically feasible without a hard fork but the coin is young enough that this is not a serious obstacle if necessary.
I can see this concept being used as building material for a whole class of applications that re-purpose the PoT reward system in other ways, like paying commissions automatically, or a simple and straightforward channel to fund a kickstarter-like project without having to build a whole branded coin system just to donate to the project, you can instead use your PoT rewards to auto-fund the project on every transaction you make, or split them across several projects - or auto-fill an exchange account if you want to daytrade, etc. This can be done with scaffolding on other coins, but it is inherently part of the design with PoT, and has the added benefit of securing the protocol in addition to paying a reward. I think it will take time for all the implications to soak in to the community, which is understandable - and exciting.