I do not know if this is possible for you to do, but If you could also display how much btc is on buy orders, for that coin at the price used to calculate profitability. If a coins first few bids are much higher than the next and is only for .0001 btc that makes a huge difference in your profitability. You would also be the first coin profitability site that I know of to implement this. Another option, might be an average of buys vs rates, there might be even more ways to help calculate this. I am not really a math person I just know all to well from following some calculators in the past that you can waste many hours of mining and end up with a profit well below that listed on the site.
Do you mean at current price for example litecoin price 0.025btc, how many litecoins are for sale? and do you want it to be shown on BTC? I will try to see how easy it is
I donot get the buys average vs rates.
I was asking for how many coins are up for buy, and at what satoshi. It wouldnt need to be done for the whole buy list, just the first few, This way you can see if it is just a small buy order at the top, or if you can actually off a decent number of coins at the current price. When just taking the top number, you do not know if that buy is only .000001 btc worth of coin or 1 btc. obviously you can off more coins at the current rate if the top buy isn't for a small amount of coins. There are some coins atm that the whole top half of their buys are less than .5 btc. If you are mining a large amount of coins a day the market depth is very important. Now about the 2nd idea I am saying take say the top 5 buys, add up how many coins or their value in btc are up for buy, and take the average rate between those top 5 buys. This will give you a number saying there are X amount of coin up for buy at an average rate of Y. you would find it like so.
I am going to try to provide an example:
lets say u have this chart below of buys
.01 .00001 BTC buy
.009 .0001 BTC buy
.008 .1 BTC buy
.005 1 BTC buy
.004 15 BTC buy
with the first method I have been thinking a bit it would be nice to do it as so
X = .00001 + .0001 +.1 +1 +15
Y= .01
Z= .004
A= .00001
B= 15
C= A/X
then print out
Fake coin
Top 5 buys at market = X BTC
Highest bid = Y % of BTC at this bid = C
5th bid = Z % of BTC at this bid = D
then in a details link u can break it down for the whole list.
With this you can get a better idea of what your profit will be at market since you know how many coins are being bought on the top 5 bids. This changes how you mine and what you mine, because you aren't only looking at the highest bid, but also at which coin has more buys at that bid.
instead of taking the number of btc worth of a coin, you could just take the amount of coins up for buy at that rate as well.
The second way I mentioned is just another idea based off the first, but instead of just taking the first buy order, you use the whole list. For this method to be accurate you would have to find a way to weight the averages based on how much coin is on buy orders, and at what rate. For this example I would take the total number of buys, and split it in to 4ths at least, then show how much btc/coin is on buys for each range of rates. I think the first way will be easier to implement and is much more straight forward. I hope this gives you a better idea of what I was speaking of.