What do you guys think will provide the most promising speculation opportunities in this arena?
What has the best potential and when will we see the first major movements?
I'd say namecoin of course because it has the most potential and is really different from bitcoin with additional features.
It does. But tatsuchan mentioned before, that it faces some serious problems:
I really dont understand yet the scope of namecoins feautures and mechanics that seperate it from bitcoin. May someone with a better understanding please give a bit of an explanation?
@ tatsuchan: Could you please explain a little bit more, why namecoin may fail in the longrun and how big those problems you see may be(come)? Why is namecoin in your oppinion inferior to the established domain system and cannot its "impossible-to-close-down" nature make up for any monetary expenses?
What could such projects be? Any in the pipeline? nameterrific.com?