Certainly there is something to be gained from it; it comes with extensive monitoring and reporting capabilities built right in, and is more stable than Windows, leading to more hash in the long run. Seriously, get a clue before bashing something based on its OS.
Yes, I have tried it. There is a lot more to it then just turning it on. There is nothing it can do that windows can't. USB failures are just the same as hard drive failures. Any drive can be backed up. Monitoring and reporting can be done in windows. I have yet to hear a single benefit. More profit running BAMT is a joke. Windows can gain you another in 10% clock speed by increasing the voltage.
I'm not sure what more there is. It handles updates and everything and has the best monitoring i've seen anywhere.
Also, if you care about video card issues, why do you care about overvolting? You should be undervolting if you want your cards to last longer.
I don't care about pretty graphs, everything can be monitored from windows just fine. I have miners for the money, undervolting would defeat that purpose.. If you don't overvolt the cards your just wasting resources. Unless you have high power prices in which case you should probably not be mining with gpu's. I could buy a few new cards with the extra money I have made overvolting and so far I only have one bad gpu. Since its still on warranty its not much of a set back.