I've found that most recent one that does:
I understand I need some other thing as seen below for rasbperry I think:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install autoconf autogen libtool uthash-dev libjansson-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libusb-dev libncurses-dev git-core –y screen
getting and using GIT:
git clone https://github.com/jmordica/cgminer-gc3355.git
cd cgminer-gc3355
./configure --enable-scrypt --enable-gridseed --disable-gpu
above code, is --disable-gpu can be left out?
I simply want to mine on raspberry PI 2 (without display)
What I mean is accessing PI with putty.
I know how to use putty based on enough information
Using cgminer:
./cgminer --scrypt -o server :-u -p --gridseed-options=baud=115200 freq=850 chips=80 --hotplug 30
According to README.md of cgminer, we see GC3355-specific options can be specified via --gridseed-options:
The default number of chips is 5 and since this miner support 40 chips per blade, I think the above setting is correct!
can you confirm what I provided so far should work on raspberry PI 2?
Power is provided via a "barrel" type connector, +12V - you can do this from a computer-type power supply, or a 12V "brick" type.
Raspberry Pi does NOT provide power - it's a small computer you can use to run the blades with.
There is a specific cgminer that is set up to run these, or check github for the source - I don't have a url handy. You need one of the versions (preferably the most recent) that specifically says it supports Gridseed devices. There was an earlier Gridseed "orb" that older cgminer "gridseed support" versions worked with, also works with the blade but doesn't report the hashrate correctly and might not support the correct number of chips that are on the blade.